Friday Review (5/5/23)

Each week we compile a list of helpful articles from other sites, in a variety of categories, for youth workers to read, reflect on, and/or discuss with parents and volunteers. If you have any articles you’d like to suggest, we’d love for you to share those in the Youth Pastor Theologian Facebook group. That’s a great way to bring them to our attention and to discuss them with like-minded youth workers! (Inclusion in this list does not imply complete agreement with the publishing source, but we have found these articles to be beneficial.)

Youth Ministry

Young People, Church Membership Isn’t Optional, by Jared C. Wilson (For the Church) 

The community of believers is the ecosystem prescribed by God for healthy maturing in the faith. Don’t use whatever newfound freedom in this stage of life to free yourself from this important facet of maturity. Find a local healthy local church, overlook its flaws, work against your own selfishness and resistance, and become a contributing member. The church needs you, and you need the church.

An Open Letter to Teens Facing Doubts about Christianity, by Rebecca McLaughlin (Crossway) 

Following Jesus is hard. But it is absolutely worth it. He has the words of everlasting life, and he calls us to follow him together with other sinful people who have just a little faith as well. So, let us team up with other Christians, like his first disciples did, and cry out to Jesus like that desperate father, “Lord, I believe! Help my unbelief!” Jesus loves to answer that kind of prayer.

Biblical & Theological Studies

How Was the Pronunciation of God’s Name Lost? Part 2, by Andrew Case (Text & Canon Institute)

It’s important to recognize right up front that we simply do not know with absolute certainty how God’s name was originally pronounced. The common English pronunciation of “Yahweh” is an educated guess, but we’ll never know for sure how it sounded when God spoke it to Moses... So, in this article we’ll try to understand why—why did the Israelites go from swearing by Yahweh’s name, using it in prayer, song, and greetings to forbidding its use altogether?

3 Reasons to Sing the Apostles’ Creed, by Tim Chester (The Gospel Coalition)

Everyone recognizes you need a set of rules to play football, but fans don’t chant those rules in the stands. So why sing the creeds? Here are three reasons.

Cultural Reflection & Contextualization

The Real Threat of TikTok, by Chris Martin (Terms of Service)

I absolutely love TikTok. It is my favorite social media platform right now because it so deftly impersonates my favorite social media platform of all time, Vine. And I also think it is likely a genuine national security risk at scale and needs to be nixed from American smartphones.

How I Went Too Far with Politics, by Dave Brown (9Marks)

Whatever we’re called into the public arena to do, we must remember that redemption does not come to us on Air Force One, through the next slate of candidates, or by fervent political ideologies, as important as these things are. Instead, redemption comes by the sovereign grace of God in Christ Jesus—our sin-bearer, our wrath absorber, and our robe of righteousness.

Pastoral Ministry

4 Ways the Church Can Serve Members Well During Singleness, by C.C. Allen (Lifeway Research)

My church-family relationships were built on service and worship instead of which covenant I fell under (marriage or singleness). Here are some practical ways my church family loved me well in my season of singleness. These are all things your church body can do for the single brothers and sisters in Christ in your midst.

Brothers, We Can Do Better, by Erik Raymond (The Gospel Coalition)

We don’t have to decide between the two. We can strive to serve our audience well by being faithful in what we say and how we say it. We can work on our content and our communication. As I think about my own preaching, there are a few categories I try to evaluate regularly. Perhaps these will be helpful to you when reflecting on ways to improve getting the text across.

Pastors' Wives and Burdens, by Rebecca VanDoodewaard (Gentle Reformation)

Knowing which burdens are healthy and which aren’t gives great freedom: freedom to say no; freedom from guilt; freedom from fear of missing out; and freedom to grow stronger, not weaker; to be busy at home and having the full trust of a husband whose calling places unique demands not only on him, but also on the woman joined with him.

Family & Parents

Dear Parents, Play the Long Game, by Kyle Hoffsmith (Rooted)

The glaring implication for you, as a parent, is that this means it is different to be a parent than ever before. We cannot parent in the same way our parents did when we were children. But the job description of a parent that is found throughout the Bible has not changed.

From YPT this week

The True Goal of Theology in Student Ministry, by Jason Engle

For many believers, the concept of theologian describes a class of scholars to which they could never belong. But if this is the only way we perceive the task of theology then we will miss its goal altogether.

YPT Podcast Episode 36: Relational Discipleship and Youth Culture with Jordan Francis

Every youth worker knows we need to meet students where they’re at… so where are they, and how do we lead them to discover the joy of Christ? 

Bonus Episode: Introducing Prepared to Answer

Learn more about Prepared to Answer and our strategic partnership and about the ways our ministries strengthen and bless one another.


YPT Podcast Episode 37: Law and Gospel in Youth Ministry (Justin Schell)


Bonus Episode: Introducing Prepared to Answer