YPT Podcast Episode 37: Law and Gospel in Youth Ministry (Justin Schell)

Understanding Law & Gospel is incredibly important. This distinction prepares youth workers to teach and counsel in ways that keeps the gospel central while still calling students to holiness and repentance. Without Law and Gospel, we either turn the gospel into a to-do list or we extend so much grace there’s little room for teaching the commands of Christ. 

  • Could you summarize what we mean by “Law & Gospel?”

  • What sort of confusion around Law and Gospel have you observed in Christians, in general, and in youth in particular? 

  • What are the different uses of the Law? If the Law cannot save, then what good is it?

  • What have you observed, either positive or negative, regarding Law & Gospel in the gospel-centered movement over the last 5 years? Are there any correctives you think are important to highlight for us? 

  • How can youth workers help students and parents embrace a biblical approach to Law and Gospel? 

About This Episode

Justin Schell is the US Director of Union School of Theology and helps oversee the Reformation Fellowship. He lives in Tulsa Oklahoma, he and his wife have two kids and he served as an interim youth pastor for a season of ministry. 

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