Friday Review (5/20/22)

Each week we compile a list of helpful articles from other sites, in a variety of categories, for youth workers to read, reflect on, and/or discuss with parents and volunteers. If you have any articles you’d like to suggest, we’d love for you to share those in the Youth Pastor Theologian Facebook group. That’s a great way to bring them to our attention and to discuss them with like-minded youth workers! (Inclusion in this list does not imply complete agreement with the publishing source, but we have found these articles to be beneficial.)

Youth Ministry

5 Things to Remember When a Transgender Student Visits Your Church by Patrick Weikle (ERLC)

As we welcome our transgender neighbors, we can demonstrate who our servant King by meeting sinners with grace and truth, but without fear. We live in a complex time with complex problems that will not have easy answers, but we can move forward in ministry confidently because we know our God is greater than our sin, and his gospel is more powerful than the false promises of our sexually confused culture. 

Ask Rooted: How Do You Minister to Unchurched Teenagers? Part II (Rooted)

While we recognize that many of the teenagers in our youth ministries may not be walking with Jesus yet, it can be especially challenging to know how to reach out to their friends who don’t have a church background. We asked Rooted writers to share how they are seeking to grow in sharing the gospel as they reach out to teenagers who haven’t grown up hearing the gospel in their homes.

Biblical & Theological Studies

Be a Faithful Citizen, Not a Lone Ranger by Amy DiMarcangelo (The Gospel Coalition)

Eternally existing as the Trinity, God had always enjoyed relationship as Father, Son, and Spirit. Since Adam was his image-bearer, he was made to have relationships too. Our longing for family and friendship isn’t the result of the fall—it’s the result of God’s original plan.

What Happens When We Read the Bible Together? by Shara Drimalla (Bible Project)

People used to hear their Bibles read out loud, or they saw its stories displayed through paintings, icons, and other visuals in churches. The public reading of Scripture was the normal way people interacted with biblical texts from the time of Moses up through the New Testament era, and then for another 1,500 years or so until we learned how to print books.

Cultural Reflection & Contextualization

Vote as a Christian, Not Because You Are Christian by Nabil Habiby (Christianity Today)

Lebanese evangelicals—like believers worldwide—often approach elections torn between hope and despair. But with a major vote looming, do they have a biblical mandate to participate?

‘Doctor Strange’ and Hollywood’s Multiverse Obsession by Mitch Wiley (The Gospel Coalition)

Perhaps this is the point at which the church can connect most with a multiverse-hungry secular age. We’re all restless for a better world—but what a movie can offer for only a few hours at a time, the Christian God offers for eternity.

Why Not All Pro-Lifers are Celebrating by Hannah Anderson (Christianity Today)

Pro-life Christians who feel ambivalent about the coming Dobbs decision are not indifferent. But even as they recognize what is clear, they also recognize that clarity is not the same as simplicity. And thus, they inhabit the ambivalence of this moment, embracing a multitude of responses.

Pastoral Ministry

A Conveyor Belt by T.M. Suffield (Nuakh)

Jesus wants you to do the next thing in your walk with him. The next act of repentance, the next act of forgiveness, crush the next idol, love the next person above yourself, refuse the next temptation, tear down the next boundary. And he wants you to do nothing else.

The Ten Minutes After Church Ends by Andy Huette (Matthias Media)

If you’re one of the many believers with a bad habit of neglecting the broader fellowship of the church after the service, here’s one simple suggestion: set apart ten minutes after the gathering concludes and devote that time to getting to know others in the church family. This is a ten-minute commitment to invest in your eternal faith family and show hospitality to those not yet in the family.

Family & Parents

Six Ways Parents Can Care for Youth Pastors by Anna Meade Harris (Rooted)

Mom and Dad, your child’s youth pastor may have even held your hand through a dark season or two. As fellow members of the body of Christ with our pastors, parents should consider how well we support the youth workers who support our teenagers.

From YPT this week

Trust God With Your Kids by Mike McGarry

Whether you’re a parent sending your graduate out into the big wide world, or a youth pastor who’s saying farewell to students - graduation season is often marked by anxiety. You really can trust God with your kids. 

Teaching Students About the Image of God by Mike McGarry

How can we help students think biblically about what it means to be human? Here are some ways to teach about the Image of God (or Imago Dei). 


Is “Forgive and Forget” Biblical?


Teaching Students About the Image of God