Friday Review (2/11/22)

Each week we compile a list of helpful articles from other sites, in a variety of categories, for youth workers to read, reflect on, and/or discuss with parents and volunteers. If you have any articles you’d like to suggest, we’d love for you to share those in the Youth Pastor Theologian Facebook group. That’s a great way to bring them to our attention and to discuss them with like-minded youth workers! (Inclusion in this list does not imply complete agreement with the publishing source, but we have found these articles to be beneficial.)

Youth Ministry

Teaching Students to Love the Church by Nick Hartman (Knowing Jesus Ministries)

Why has the consistent pattern for older teenagers who become young adults continued to be leaving the church for a time? One main factor that plays into these statistics is that we have failed to teach students how to effectively love the local church. 

When We Were Your Age, We Needed Jesus Too by Mike McGarry (Christianity Today)

If you want a book for teenagers that they’ll actually read, buy this one. It’s story-driven and gospel-saturated. And buy a copy for yourself to help you better understand those who are ministering to teenagers, too.

Biblical/Theological Studies

The Kingdom of God is Ruled by the Author of Love by Anthony B. Bradley (Crossway)

The primary operating praxis and character of the kingdom of God is love. Love is not characterized by cultural conquest, withdrawal, exclusion, or political agendas. The rule and reign of God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit compel a praxis-oriented life of love.

Why Should Christians Study Ethics? by Jason Thacker (ERLC)

Christians study ethics in order to love God and love our neighbor faithfully as we become more like Christ, not just in believing the right things but also in doing the right things.

Cultural Reflection/Contextualization

Black Christians Are Confronting Black Lies About Christianity by Eric Mason (Christianity Today)

We do not wish merely to speak about the atrocities that were committed against Black people. We will not ignore these atrocities, but we must not let them deter us from highlighting every person’s need for the saving power of the gospel of Jesus Christ in our lives.

A Call to Pray for the People of Ukraine and Russia Amid Mounting Tensions by Chelsea Patterson Sobolik (ERLC)

In a globally-connected world, what happens on the other side of the globe affects all of us... But more than that, Christians should care about this because millions of image-bearers live in Ukraine and Russia.

Wordle and Our Longing for the Limited by Chris Martin (Terms of Service)

Wordle’s success and the continued success of weekly-release TV shows like Ted Lasso and The Mandalorian give me hope that maybe, just maybe, we are pushing back from the table of the internet and opting out of our recent gluttonous binge of bland, limitless content.

Pastoral Ministry

Freedom from the Tyranny of “Success” by Aaron Armstrong (

While all of this may seem jaded and cynical, I’m not saying that a commitment to truth is a bad thing, nor am I suggesting that apparent fruitfulness doesn’t mean God isn’t doing something in your midst. Instead, my encouragement is to hold them loosely in favor of what success truly is: faithfulness.

7 Tips to Help Introverts Connect at Church by Megan Hill (Core Christianity)

I’m genuinely grateful to God that my life is joined to his body, the church. But talking to people gives me a headache. And, as a result, it can be tempting to think I just don’t belong in the church.


Trusting When We Don’t Know the Way: Hope Amidst Teenage Rebellion by Katie Polski (Rooted)

When teens rebel, whether it’s one poor choice or a season of trials, it can be incredibly dis-heartening. The temptation for a parent is to let anxiety rule by doubting God’s perfect sovereignty. But in the strength of Christ, there is grace to love the teen God has given you, to pray fervently knowing that God always hears, and to share readily the faithfulness of God amidst the struggle.

From YPT this week

Repentance and Young People by Robin Barfield

Repentance is not an add-on or a bonus for our ministry. Here are six ingredients of biblical repentance, according to Thomas Watson. 

Schaeffer on Teaching by Joseph Bradley

One of the most difficult and most important parts of being a pastor is teaching. It requires knowledge, patience, and practice to decide what passages to cover, points to make, information to include, and how to apply them to students’ real lives. The work of Francis Schaeffer has been incredibly helpful in this regard.


How I’m Teaching the Parables at Youth Group


Schaeffer on Teaching