Friday Review (12/9/22)

Each week we compile a list of helpful articles from other sites, in a variety of categories, for youth workers to read, reflect on, and/or discuss with parents and volunteers. If you have any articles you’d like to suggest, we’d love for you to share those in the Youth Pastor Theologian Facebook group. That’s a great way to bring them to our attention and to discuss them with like-minded youth workers! (Inclusion in this list does not imply complete agreement with the publishing source, but we have found these articles to be beneficial.)

Youth Ministry

Rooted’s Christmas Devotional for Teenagers (Rooted)

We are loved by a God who always keeps his promises. Nowhere is his faithfulness more evident that in the life of Jesus. The Old Testament is rich with promises concerning our coming Messiah, and from the opening lines of Matthew, we begin to see those promises perfectly fulfilled, starting with the most intimate details of Jesus’ birth... Over the next three weeks we will be sharing these on the blog, but we wanted to give you the original 16 devotions so that you can easily share one per day with your students or children.

Biblical & Theological Studies

How to Explain the Trinity to Muslims, by Sherene Khouri (Cross Examined)

Islam and Christianity claim to be monotheistic religions. They both believe in one supreme God; however, their concept of the nature of the divine being is different... This article discusses the biblical, historical, theological, and philosophical understandings of the Trinity to help Christians explain and discuss the doctrine of the Trinity with their Muslim friends.

Come Thou Long Expected Judgment by Jonathan Warren Pagán (Christianity Today)

As we open our Advent calendars and light our candles, then, Advent can remind us that Christ comes to judge the earth so that we may be revealed as what we are: sons and daughters of the living God, perfected and transfigured along with the whole of creation that Christ came to save.

Cultural Reflection & Contextualization

Jordan Peterson and His Useful God, by Dani Treweek (The Gospel Coalition Australia)

Contra Peterson, the story of Scripture was not written in philosophical abstracted metaphor, but in real time, space and blood. It is not ultimately concerned with the earthly “optimisation” of created man, but the eternal glorification of the Son of Man. 

Untangling Theology from Digital Technology, by Samuel D. James (Mere Orthodoxy)

If, however, most of our theological and political conversation is happening online, then the logic of the Internet will shape it. And on the Internet, the power of a user to closely curate his environment — to say whatever he wants to say, and to delete, mute, or block whatever he does not want to hear — is bundled up with the medium itself.

Talk About Jesus, Not Celebrities, by Tim Challies (Challies)

We will be a blessing to the church if instead of spending our time discussing the failures of celebrities we spend it going deeper into those precious truths that undergird it. We will be a blessing to the world around us if instead of obsessing about people we fix our hearts on Christ. 

Pastoral Ministry

Tis the Season for Topigetical Sermons, by Rut Etheridge III (Gentle Reformation)

I’d humbly encourage my fellow preachers to, in a manner entirely consistent with the Lord’s dictates regarding corporate public worship, proclaim this blessed truth frequently, faithfully, and especially when people are providentially prepared to be there and, Lord willing, to truly listen to the truth.  Coming close to people’s concerns with the word of God is one more beautiful way to demonstrate the truth of Immanuel, God with us.

Dear Pastor... You Have Wonderfully Unique Opportunities to Counsel, by David Powlison (Crossway)

Pastoral counseling is unlike any other form of counseling because of the many unusual opportunities a pastor has to engage lives. Here are seven unique facets of the pastoral life that open doors.

Family & Parents

5 Stats for Parents to Know About Teen Digital Media Use, by Sarah Eekhoff Zylstra (The Gospel Coalition)

The time it takes to think through a digital media plan for your household, the energy it takes to convey that to the kids, the persistence it takes to enforce the rules (even imperfectly), the creativity it takes to plan something fun to do with the kids—it’s all worth it.

Home Alone: We are All Kevins, by Matt Brown (Rooted)

We can’t do this on our own, we need Christ to give us the ability. All we need to do is ask for help! The hope that Kevin finds when he reunites with his family is simply a reminder of the hope that our teenagers so desperately need to be shown through Christ.

From YPT this week

Why do we Celebrate Christmas on December 25th? by Mike McGarry

Why do Christians celebrate Jesus’ birth on December 25th, and what can we learn from the reasoning for this traditional date? 
YPT Podcast Episode 19: Teaching the Incarnation and Christology at Christmas with Griffin Gulledge

Griffin Gulledge joins the podcast to help us teach the Incarnation and Christology in our youth groups with greater confidence, clarity, and depth, especially during the Christmas season.


YPT Podcast Episode 20: Rethinking Family Ministry (Jared Kennedy)


Why do we Celebrate Christmas on December 25th?