Friday Review (11/11/22)

Each week we compile a list of helpful articles from other sites, in a variety of categories, for youth workers to read, reflect on, and/or discuss with parents and volunteers. If you have any articles you’d like to suggest, we’d love for you to share those in the Youth Pastor Theologian Facebook group. That’s a great way to bring them to our attention and to discuss them with like-minded youth workers! (Inclusion in this list does not imply complete agreement with the publishing source, but we have found these articles to be beneficial.)

Youth Ministry

Youth Ministry in a Celebrity-Seeking World... by Walt Mueller (CPYU)

I continue to think quite a bit about many of the conversations I’ve been having with young youth workers in recent years. Not all of them have endeavored to be, like my friend in the car, the best where they’re at. Increasingly, I’m sensing the presence of that seductive pull all of us humans face.

Welcoming the Anxious Student to Youth Group by Liz Edrington (Rooted)

We want to keep on repeating, “We’re so glad you’re here.” This is the refrain of grace we’re continually offered, ourselves, in Christ. No amount of anxiety, distress, panic, or fear can keep him away. His love extends to every distant, tense, twitchy, hivey, short-breathed, avoidant part of us.

Biblical & Theological Studies

10 Things You Should Know about Limited Atonement by Jonathan Gibson (Crossway)

The first thing we should say at the outset is that limited atonement is an unfortunate phrase because here is the atonement of Christ, and now it sounds like someone wants to limit it. Why would we want to limit atonement for sinners? I think the phrase definite atonement is a more positive way to speak about this doctrine.

Why Study Church History? by Jon Payne (Ligonier)

The study of church history, however, is meant to provide more than just inspiration. Serious reflection on the past protects us from error, reminds us of God’s faithfulness, and motivates us to persevere.

How to Disagree Theologically by Jonathan Leeman (9Marks)

What about us today? Do we forsake conviction for the sake of charity? If so, we ironically end up with neither. Shallow convictions, meager charity. Or do we forsake charity pointing to our convictions? If so, you can assume your children will end up with neither.

Cultural Reflection & Contextualization

8 Steps for Finding Unity in the Church After a Political Election by Daniel Darling (Lifeway)

So how do churches navigate politics in this moment? Every community and every congregation will look a bit different, and local issues and immediate context will demand specific approaches. But here are some ways pastors can lead well in this moment.

If You See Something Unjust, Say Something by Theon Hill (Christianity Today)

Our Christian witness doesn’t allow for this kind of indifference. We cannot stand silently in the face of sin and at the same time pretend to be in solidarity with our Savior.

Sexual Abuse and Outpacing the Church by Kyle Borg (Gentle Reformation)

Far from being outpaced the church should be leading, and doing so in ways that are impossible for society. Until the church takes this mantle and assumes its ancient glory the children of this generation will prove to be more shrewd than the sons of light.

Pastoral Ministry

Professional vs. Personal Christianity by Adam DeVries (Ministry Architects)

Your personal faith life is more important than getting people back in the pews, returning to pre-covid numbers, or even creating new, nimble programming that engages our communities in Christ’s continued ministry of reconciliation.  The pivotal choice that will ensure today’s professional Christians have the capacity to be tomorrow’s ministry leaders rests on prioritizing personal faith life over professional ministry success.

Family & Parents

Prayers for a Teenager (Or Parent) Struggling with Drugs or Alcohol by Melissa Powell (Rooted)

How then will we reconcile the health statistics, cultural norms, and internal battles we face with drugs and alcohol? By looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith; the one who came to redeem and restore all broken relationships—including the ones we and our loved ones have with harmful substances.

From YPT this week

Is Anxiety a Sin? by Mike McGarry

Christians who struggle with anxiety often wonder, “Is anxiety a sin?” What does the gospel have to say for anxious people, and how can youth workers help teenagers grow in faith as they battle anxiety?

The Unwavering Youth Pastor (Jonathan Dodson) on YPT Podcast 

Thriving in ministry is always more difficult than new youth pastors expect. The grind of ministry, the unusual schedule, and unfair complaints can wear the best of us down. In this episode, we talk with Jonathan Dodson about his book, The Unwavering Pastor, and what he's learned firsthand about applying the gospel to our own hearts.


Teaching Students and Keeping Their Attention


Is Anxiety a Sin?