Faith is Not a Good Idea

Jim grew up in church and still believes most of what he learned there, but his life doesn't look like you might expect. He cusses, parties with friends over the weekend, has been known to sleep around, and hasn't gone to church (or read the Bible) in a very long time. But overall, he's a good kid who tries to be a good friend and defend those in need. When Jim hears friends talking about religion, he often jumps in to offer the "Christian perspective” because he still considers himself a Christian (although he's quick to admit, "I'm a bad Christian").

While students like Jim don't really care what label you give them, it's worth our time to figure out what's going on when religious ideas seems to get confused as faith.

What is Faith?

The Bible defines faith this way: “Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.” (Hebrews 11:1)

Faith isn't simply a "good idea." It's assurance and conviction in what is unseen. The visible is interpreted through the lens of the unseen - faith shapes life.

  • Because God is holy - I live my life to worship and honor him

  • Because God is merciful and gracious - I am accepted because of his provision, not my performance

  • Because God is the judge - I live according to his law

  • Because God is faithful - I will trust him even in the midst of suffering

  • Because the Bible is God's Word - I will read it, strive to understand it to the best of my ability, and obey it as the very Word of God

Faith is Not a Good Idea

Ideas belong in the realm of knowledge and theory, not life. A good idea may be something you feel strongly about, but it won't ever become reality until you have faith it will work. Ideas lead to something. Left on their own, they remain lifeless and without any discernible impact on anything.

Jim has many Christian ideas, but he doesn’t have faith. His beliefs about God are shaped by what he's been taught, but the transformation ends there (regardless of how “right” or “wrong” those beliefs are). Jim's life remains separate from his ideas. His religious ideas remain abstract theories that aren't worth testing with real life.

As James 2:26 famously concludes, “faith without works is dead.”

Living Theologically

Your theology is always lived. What you believe always influences your life. There are many professing Christians with good theology, but their lives contradict what they claim to believe. Here are a few examples of what I mean:

  • Embracing a radical view of tolerance where everyone is accepted by God because "God is love" flows from a low view of sin because of a low view of God's holiness.

  • Believing that some ethnicities or genders are more valuable than others reflects a warped understanding of the biblical teaching that all people have been created in the image of God (Imago Dei).

  • Losing faith in God's existence because of personal suffering reflects the assumption that God owes us comfort and happiness and that we have the right to judge God's actions.

  • Forgiving those who have offended and cause hurt reflects one’s confession they they have been forgiven according to the mercy of God through Jesus Christ.

  • A life of prayer is impossible for someone who is self-sufficient, but is the natural overflow of someone who believes God really is a sovereign and gracious Heavenly Father who delights in providing for his children.

Hebrews 11 continues by listing example after example of people who lived by faith. They took God at his word and obeyed, even when there may have been plenty of reason to doubt.

In a conversation with students like Jim, here's what I try to convey:

Jim, I think you have good ideas. But I don't think you have faith, because I see this disconnect between what you think and how you live. Remember what you say about the gospel - that Jesus died on the cross and rose from the grave to save sinners. Do you think he did that so we'd say nice things about him while continuing to live however we want? The gospel isn’t just a good idea that sounds nice - Jesus is trustworthy in real life!

note: this is an edited version of an article originally posted on Living Theologically


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