Friday Review (10/28/22)

Each week we compile a list of helpful articles from other sites, in a variety of categories, for youth workers to read, reflect on, and/or discuss with parents and volunteers. If you have any articles you’d like to suggest, we’d love for you to share those in the Youth Pastor Theologian Facebook group. That’s a great way to bring them to our attention and to discuss them with like-minded youth workers! (Inclusion in this list does not imply complete agreement with the publishing source, but we have found these articles to be beneficial.)

Youth Ministry

A Conversation About Curbing Cliques at Youth Group by Chelsea Kingston Erickson and Anna Meade Harris (Rooted)

One aspect of belonging that challenges high schoolers (and to be honest, adults) is our human propensity to form cliques. It’s natural to gravitate towards PLUs (People Like Us), but the formation of groups where certain people are “in” and others are “out” is antithetical to the gospel. Cliques and favoritism have no place in youth group.

Biblical & Theological Studies

11 Doctrines You Can’t Assume Your Church Members Understand by Marissa Postell (Lifeway)

As you look out at the faces staring back at you, you feel the weight of the responsibility of teaching them sound doctrines and leading them in godliness... The latest State of Theology report gives us a look into 11 theological doctrines we may take for granted but that we need to stop assuming our church members understand.

4 Distinct Ways That God Is Unchangeable by Stephen Charnock (Crossway)

This article is an excerpt from a new collection of Stephen Charnock’s writings. 

Greek Grammar and Trinitarian Worship by Adiel Sanchez (Core Christianity)

The definite article in Revelation 5:12 is just further confirmation of the consistent teaching of the Scriptures. It helps to bring the songs of Revelation 4–5 to their proper end—not just creation, but new creation through the redemptive work of the Lamb who will receive glory for all eternity together with the Father and the Spirit.

We Love to Give Gold Stars by Ryan Higginbottom (Knowable Word)

Here’s one hurdle. We have an impulse to label every character. We want to know: Are they good or bad? Was this particular action praiseworthy or condemnable?

Cultural Reflection & Contextualization

Reconstructing Faith: Christianity in a New World by Tim Keller (Life in the Gospel Quarterly)

This trend has been called ‘faith deconstruction.’ The term deliberately invokes the work of Derrida and Foucault and other French post-structuralists, who sought to find and unmask the hidden power dynamics behind the conventional texts and institutions of society. To associate this movement with these thinkers provides it with some “postmodern chic” and presents it as something quite new. But it is not.

From Silence to Complexification to Capitulation by Kevin DeYoung 

Sex is too powerful a thing to allow for competing visions. And so Neuhaus’ Law almost always proves true: Where orthodoxy is optional, orthodoxy will sooner or later be outlawed.

Pastoral Ministry

5 Effects of Expository Preaching on a Church by Anand Samuel (9Marks)

Remember that the Word of God is powerfully transformative. Brothers, unleash God’s Word. Let the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ shine upon his blood-bought sheep. Let the Word do its redemptive work through your faithful expository preaching, and the saving wisdom of God will be put on display to a world that is perishing.

Being a Pastor’s Wife: The Role of Transparency by Missie Branch (Lifeway)

Her openness can demonstrate how God is personally at work in her life, showing the positive effects of God challenging her in ministry, how He is pushing her forward in Him, and lastly, how God is requiring her obedience just as He does every person’s in the pew.

Family & Parents

Why We Must Teach Kids Safety Skills by Julie Lowe (CCEF)

We are not to be passive in our engagement with injustice, danger, mistreatment, and evil. We must respond to it, while resting in our ultimate Protector.

Expose Your Kids to Hard Truths by Leslie Schmucker (The Gospel Coalition)

Parents must be discerning when gauging the appropriateness of the content their children consume. Presenting stark biblical truths or raw cultural content will look different for very young children than it does for older kids and teens. But a child will not realize what needs cleansing if he can’t recognize the grit in the first place.

From YPT this week

A Reflection on Barna's Open Generation Report by Nick Hartman

Barna’s “The Open Generation” uncovers three important themes for youth ministers as they disciple GenZ to develop lifelong faith in Christ. 


Developing a Theology of Power


A Reflection on Barna's Open Generation Report